Work Package 1: Needs Analysis (WP Leader: Utrecht University)

This WP is dedicated to the adequate surveys that will lead to precise and complete reports about the needs for new Master Curricula in Democratic Governance and Human Rights in each of the Partner Countries that will result to skilled intellectuals playing an important role in the political life, public institutions and NGOs as well to define vocational training for the upskilling of academic and administrative staff.
The surveys designated to offer the data for the reports will include online questionnaires and interviews and all the partners will give feedback for the research design, instructions and instruments. The research will be conducted in each respective country and at European level.
By assessing the level of the available graduates and post-graduate courses and understanding the connection with the labor needs, recommendations will be provided for the proposed MSc programme. There will be a transfer of best practices from EU-HEIS.
D1.1: Report on related curricula in Europe

D1.2: Report on related curricula in all partner countries

D1.3: Report on related capacity building courses in the subject area in all partner countries

D1.4: Report on related capacity building courses in the subject area in all partner countries

Work Package 2: Curriculum Development and Infrastructure (WP Leader: University of Alicante)

The development of the two-year multidiscipline Master Program will start with a series of meetings of EU-HEIs that will use as base the reports generated in WP1. The academic staff will establish the outline of the course and the methodology used which will be either new or modified accordingly to the needs. It will be based on best practices’ transfer from EU-HEIs in close collaboration with our south-Mediterranean partners. A second step in the development phase, the course will be tailored to the needs of each partner country. Each course will be conducted in two forms: on-the-campus and online. Therefore, it will include two sorts of educational material: the relevant material for studying on-the campus the Master as well as the distance learning material. To promote digital online teaching method, a virtual learning environment will be developed and an e-tutor’s guide. Specifications for the development of Research Units will also be defined in this package.
D2.1: Outline and methodology of the Syllabus for Master in all partner countries

D2.2: Material for studying Master in all partner countries

D2.3: Capacity building courses material

D2.4: Specifications of DEMOS & Rights Learning Platform

D2.5: Distance Learning Material

D2.6: E-tutor's guide

D2.7: Specifications for the development of Research Units

Work Package 3: Capacity Building Activities (WP Leader: Utrecht University)

During this WP, firstly the learning environment platform will be delivered and the material will be uploaded to be tested. Academic staff, lecturers and tutors will have the opportunity to visit the EU-HEIs in order to get trained on the new program, have discussions with their peers and exchange knowledge on their field. Additionally, this package will allow professors and researchers from partner countries to be sufficiently qualified for the delivery of the Master Programme.
Networking actions will contribute to the strengthening of professional relations of academics from Programme and Partner Countries. They will get in contact in international consortia and will be exposed to different perspectives and gain new insights into their subject leading to new academic publications. In these networking events civil-society organizations will participate and the links created will contribute to the incorporation of internships to the functioning of Research Units.
D3.1: Delivery and maintenance of Demos & Rights Learning Environment

D3.2: Report networking actions

D3.3: Study visits and online trainings

D3.4: Reports on collaboration of civil-society organizations with Research Units

D3.5: Feedback and evaluation from the first run of Master

D3.6: Academic Conference

Work Package 4: Delivery of the Master Programme and Capacity Building Programmes (WP Leader: University of Carthage)

Within this work package, all the activities for the delivery and evaluation of the project will take place. After the programs will be delivered and tested to all PC-HEIs, according to the specifications set in the previous packages. The programmes will be closely monitored by all partners and the quality will be tested with a midterm evaluation and a final one. The research units will be delivered too.
D4.1: Delivery of the Master Programme and capacity building programme

D4.2: Programme delivery Interim Evaluation Report

D4.3: Accreditation Report on developed curricula in all Partner Countries

D4.4: Programme delivery Final Evaluation Report

D4.5: Delivery of Research Units

Work Package 5: Quality Assurance & Monitoring (WP Leader: Cadi Ayyad University)

This WP aims at defining the indicators of quality, test quality based on this methodology and maintain the high quality of the outputs in order to certify that they meet the standards required.
This quality management plan allows for systematic monitoring of project and partner management, internal and external communication, project outcomes and budget management.
The quality plan will analyze possible preventive actions in order to minimize the nonconformity at the beginning and during implementation of the project. It will provide clear and measurable objectives to assess the quality of progress and to contribute to the feedback needed for the external evaluator.
D5.1: Quality Assurance Plan 

D5.2: Quality Board Appointment

D5.3: Periodic Quality and Evaluation Report

D5.4: Final Impact and Evaluation Report

Work Package 6: Dissemination and Exploitation (WP Leader: Lebanese University)

The dissemination mechanism will be implemented in order to maximize the visibility, capability, potential and impact of the master programmes and vocational courses. The dissemination will target four groups:

1. Faculty, academic and administrative staff from partner and neighboring countries.

2. Students from different disciplines and young professionals working in public institutions and non-governmental organizations and want to get qualified for career in democratic assistance, governance, reform, politics and international affairs.

3. Refugees coming from Syria and who are interested in entering the higher education system.

4. Civil-society organizations which work in the field of democratization and human rights and want to collaborate in the internship program or for research purposes.
There will be 6 networking events, one in each PC-HEI. The activities will be linked to the activities of other WPs. Representatives from the university administration, civil society, ministries of education and other educational institutional will be invited to the workshops.
D6.1: Dissemination Plan

D6.2: Project Website

D6.3: Networking Events

D6.4: Exploitation and Sustainability Planning

D6.5: Portfolio and Dissemination Material
· 2nd Newsletter
· 3rd Newsletter

Work Package 7: Management & Coordination (WP Leader: Moulay Ismail University)

There are 9 partners. They are divided into: EU universities and vocational training centers and south-Mediterranean universities. This WP aims at the careful and constant monitoring of the project progress, budget, and risks.
The project manager will be the grant holder and will be responsible for:

1. Funding Management: Contacting the European Authority and reporting to it (financial reports progress reports, final report).

2. Leading and managing the EU partners.

3. Carrying out financial issues, including the monitoring of the costs, in order to react early and flexibly on deviations from the original cost plan after reporting to the European Authority.

4. Consortium Agreement: Setting up a project legal agreement, serving as a formal guide for the whole project. This agreement will contain all required information on the organization, ethical, legal and administrative issues. This project agreement will be binding for all members of the project consortium.

D7.1: Consortium management and coordination

D7.2: Project meetings

D7.3: Funding management

D7.4: Risk management

D7.5: Consortium agreement

D7.6: Coordination and communication platform