
The 1st DEMOS Newsletter is on air!

The 1st DEMOS Newsletter is on air!

The Master Degree in Democratic Governance and Human Rights “DEMOS” Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission and implemented by a consortium of nine (9) partners from five (6) countries: Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia, Netherlands, Spain and Greece. 

The 5th Partnership meeting is successfully held online

The 5th Partnership meeting is successfully held online

The main topics discussed in this meeting involved the website and dissemination tools. The newly developed website link was shared with the members of the consortium and a discussion was held on the topics of the online Learning Platform development and presentation of the first version of the Master Curriculum.

The 4th Partnership meeting takes place online

The 4th Partnership meeting takes place online

Professor Samir El Jaafari, Coordinator of the DEMOS Project, opened the meeting by indicating that the first year of the project presented a number of specificities, mainly due to the unexpected developments brought about by the pandemic outbreak. These developments inevitably caused delays in the completion of the planned actions. Therefore, a new plan was set in action to ensure the smooth functioning of the project and members of the consortium were invited to mobilize in order to achieve them.

The 3rd Partnership meeting is held online

The 3rd Partnership meeting is held online

Topics discussed in this meeting included an introduction and overview of the project, feedback from the previous monitoring meetings, and an overview of the progress made on deliverables. Furthermore, the Quality Assurance plan was presented together with the appointment of the Quality Committee. Last but not least, a presentation of the dissemination plan was realized.

A monitoring meeting is realised in Lebanon

A monitoring meeting is realised in Lebanon

During the virtual meeting that took place on 26 October 2020, and which will be complemented by a site visit to the project, the monitoring team (NEO Lebanon) met representatives from the Lebanese University and the Antonine University.

A monitoring meeting takes place in Tunisia

A monitoring meeting takes place in Tunisia

The monitoring institution NEO Tunisia met with Carthage University and Tunis Al Manar Partner at the presence of DEMOS coordination. During this meeting members of the project team provided updated information on the project’s progress made towards the achievement of its objectives and deliverables.

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DEMOS Project Starts!

The DEMOS project’s activities were launched at the partnership kick-off meeting, held in the city Meknes (Morocco), on the 16th and 17th of January 2020.

The European Commission's support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contact Us

Address : Moulay Ismail University

IUC Office, Université Moulay Ismail - Presidency

B.P. 298, Marjane II, Meknes 50 000 - Morocco

Professor Samir EL JAAFARI

E-mail :

Phone : +212 659 15 14 22