The 1st DEMOS Newsletter is on air!

The 1st DEMOS Newsletter is on air!

The Master Degree in Democratic Governance and Human Rights “DEMOS” Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission and implemented by a consortium of nine (9) partners from five (6) countries: Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia, Netherlands, Spain and Greece. 

Not only interactive, but also flexible DEMOS project aims to advance education and research, build capacity and infrastructure, raise awareness and train professionals, foster networking and cooperation between EU and partner countries while promoting common research activities. In the long run, the general aim is oriented towards the building of new capacities of students throughout the South Mediterranean Region and engaging with them in a critical way, while suggesting 3 Master Degrees with bridges of cooperation and different options for academic specialization.  


As part of their dissemination activities the project partners have published their 1st Newsletter and they describe their first steps and achievements! If you want to learn more about the DEMOS Project, click here.